We created our own winter holiday custom; making murukulu, our favorite savory snacks. Vijay’s birthday comes during this month, and he loves murukulu more than anything. So, I make them in large quantity for his b’day and also for us, to snack all throughout the month of December, the traditional holiday season here.
Murukulu and hot tea, South Indian style, under the gorgeous golden rays of wintry Sunset.
For the uninitiated, murukulu are India’s snack food. They are made with spiced up rice and lentil flour dough, pressed using a mold into beautiful round coils, then deep-fried in oil. Krum. karum is the sound they make when munched. Indian grocery shops usually carry several varieties of these snacks, try them out first, before trying out the recipe. For who know, love and want to try making murukulu at home, here is the recipe.
2 cups – Rice flour
1/2 cup – Gram flour (Besan)
1/2 cup – Moong flour (Pesara Pindi)
1/4 cup – sesame seeds
1 teaspoon each – cumin and ajwan/vaamu (carom seeds)
1/2 teaspoon each- red chilli powder and salt
Pinch of baking powder

Some tips for good quality murukulu:
1. Boiled and Mashed Potato – a tip from my attamma for soft yet crunchy murukulu. One small potato will do for the above measurements. To make the dough more easy to work with, and as emulsifier, she substituted the ghee with the boiled and mashed potato paste. It is a great tip that works.
2. Peanut oil for deep frying – I find it that murukulu tastes great when deep-fried in peanut oil. I tried canola, corn oil… They go rancid only after 15 minutes on high heat and murukulu also taste almost bitter.
Muruku maker with discs – You can buy it in almost all major Indian grocery/appliance shops here in US, or you can try online stores. Cookie press like Sawa or Cookie guns are also good for muruku making.

Sieve and mix together the flours. Add the sesame seeds, pureed potato paste, red chilli powder, baking powder, salt, cumin and ajwan seeds. Make a soft dough by adding the water gradually. Dough shouldn’t be too stiff. Take small portion of dough and make a cylindrical shaped log and drop it into the muruku mold, like shown in the photo above.

Deep Frying:
In a wok like deep, sturdy vessel, heat the peanut oil to hot. With your hands, press the muruku mold over the hot oil, making concentric circles, so that the coils of dough come out and drop into the hot oil in circle shape. When you are practiced at making them, you can get two to three circles of dough coils, successfully. My level of expertise at making these beautiful circles is a hit and miss. Anyway you make them, they will turn out, one tasty, crunchy snack, so don’t stress out too much about circles and technique, I don’t.
Fry both sides till golden, and then remove. It takes approximately 5 minutes to fry one batch. Repeat till all the dough is used. Let them cool and store in an airtight container.
During frying, always keep the stove heat on very high. Just by changing the discs, one can make several different shaped murukulu. Shammi of Food in the Main, made recently ribbon shaped muruku for Diwali. I usually use medium round holes disc and star shaped holes disc. The ones photographed here are made using the star shaped holes disc.

A plate of Murukulu
Recipe Source: Attamma (MIL)
Those ribbon shaped muruku Shammi made are called Gatti Pakodeelu in some parts of A.P. My mom used to make them very often. God, how i miss my mom’s home-made muruku!!
Comment by Sandhya — December 5, 2005 @ 2:59 am
They look sooo good! How nice to make your sweetheart’s favorite treats for him! I love the tip of using the potato, thanks for sharing it.
Comment by Nupur — December 5, 2005 @ 6:58 am
You are such a sweetie Indira!
They look fabulous.
Comment by clare eats — December 5, 2005 @ 8:16 am
How fun to have a whole event devoted to Indian food. I can’t wait to read the posts.
Comment by Kalyn — December 5, 2005 @ 8:41 am
Girl gotta tell u that the first pic is AWESOME!! ur photography is improving day by day … the moong flour and pureed potato added to the murukku dough sounds new to me .wow ur attamma must be a PRO CHEF.i cudnt buy the sawa press last time on ebay. still waiting to get one. Once i get the press i’l definetely try this..and my birthday wishes to vijay !
Comment by priya,ar — December 5, 2005 @ 9:49 am
Talk about comfort food… murukus and coffee!! I confess I have never attempted to make murukus myself since I always assumed it would be hard to press out. Murukus have always been a part of the ‘care package’ from home. After looking at your recipe with simple ingredients and great tips, I think I will also give it a try this season.
And I am pleased to see that the online food blogging community is so happening… with interesting food contests and fun themed events. Glad to have found people who share my passion for food and cooking… but I am really just starting out :-). I learn something new each day reading all the inspiring posts!
Comment by GaramMasala — December 5, 2005 @ 10:12 am
I have been lurking on your blog for a looong time now without ever commenting. I just dont know what to. Iam an intermediate level cook aspiring to become as good as you at least. Now for my cliche. You and your cooking is fabulous!
About Murukulu/Chakilalu, I like them best with ‘chintapandu pachadi’ (tamarind chutney). That way I can also eat a lot more!
I have tried quite a few of your recipes to great results! I for once dont miss home so much(kidding). Incidentally you and my mother share the same name.
Indira says…
Thanks Vidyanath for taking time and writing these nice words about my blog. I really appreciate them.
Murukulu with ‘chintapandu pacchadi’.. that’s new to me. Really?
Indira Gandhi, spoiled the name for future generations. You don’t see many Indira’s.. anymore:)
Comment by Vidyanath Tirumala — December 5, 2005 @ 11:40 am
Indira, not only are you a good cook but an excellent photographer too. I love the first picture!
Indira says…
Thanks Faffer!
Comment by Anonymous — December 5, 2005 @ 12:11 pm
Indira, they look wonderful!
And please wish your husband a happy birthday (whenever appropriate) from all of us!
And you know…the mold looks suspiciously like a cookie spritzer! Which I just happened to have bought a few months ago….hmmm.
(PS you can find the cookie press here: http://www.cooking.com/products/shprodde.asp?SKU=102906 )
Indira says…
Thanks, Stephanie for the b’day wishes.
I brought the traditional bronze muruku maker just during our last visit in August. Until then, I was using(still usse) the Sawa cookie press/spritzer for murukulu. I never used it for its cookies though but for murukulu, it works out great.
Did you go out for dinner on Saturday to Sitara?
Outside links makes the comment go under observation, Stephanie, just want to let you know.
Comment by Stephanie — December 5, 2005 @ 1:09 pm
A big ‘duh’ on me…I only *now* noticed the previous post!
Comment by Stephanie — December 5, 2005 @ 1:12 pm
Sandhya… yes, they are gattti pakodilu. and I know the feeing.
Nupur…thanks. Adding potato and moong flour really makes a difference in the taste. My mother in law, the kind and generous woman she is, has some really neat tips for tasty food.
Clare.. thanks my friend.
Kalyn…now is your chance to try out some Indian recipes and show off. Looking forward to your participation in the event.
Priya ar… Thanks! I am learning new ways to improve my photography with the help of Vijay.I thought you bought the sawa cookie press from ebay. Dropped due to last minute price increase, ha? I will keep an eye out for them on ebay.
GM…I was you 5 years ago. Only thought of murukulu, something mom make or buy from shops. I tried it once, magic, they came out nice and crunchy.
Yep,online food events make blogging more fun. Join in and I’d love to see your entry in this event. I am sure it’s going be one creative one.:)
Comment by Indira — December 5, 2005 @ 1:41 pm
Hi Indira,
The murukku picture is awesome. I tried murukku for diwali. I added rice flour and moong flour. I shall try your recipe next time. You MIls tip of adding potato is something new to me. My birthday wishes to Vijay.
Indira says…
Thanks Priya! Besan makes them mildly sweet (just a touch of besan sweetness), I think. Do let me know how they turn out.
Comment by Priya — December 5, 2005 @ 1:44 pm
A great traditional recipe, thanks Indira! In our family, we make using rice and urad flour with some butter. This recipe using moong flour is new to me. What a nice birthday gift for Vijay!
BTW, are all the flours store-bought- in India they make rice flour for chakli separately? Did you make them too?
Indira says…
Mika.. Thanks. How is the moving going? Did you move already?
I have no choice but use the store bought flours here for murukulu. We actually call murukulu ‘ chakli’ in our area. But I know what you are refering to. You mean, the ones made on the palm of your hand, in round circles, right?
Comment by mika — December 5, 2005 @ 3:35 pm
A wonderful gift for your hubby..:):)the pictures are excellent.My birthday wishes to Vijay!
Thanks Sailaja!
Comment by Sailaja — December 5, 2005 @ 10:44 pm
Those look soooo good – barely 10 am, I haven’t had breakfast yet, and my mouth is watering. I love jalebi as a sweet snack and get it when I visit the Indian grocery store. Yum.
Comment by Sweetnicks — December 6, 2005 @ 10:03 am
Hey Indira…I am sure if you post that pic with the coffee in the background for some blog event that rates pictures you will be a strong contender.
Comment by Gini — December 6, 2005 @ 10:09 am
Hi Indira- we will be moving this thursday. In addition to the murukku you mentioned, we also make murukku through the press like yours but just a different recipe. I will miss reading your posts when I am waiting to get access to Internet at Sunnyvale.
Comment by mika — December 6, 2005 @ 10:34 am
Swwetnicks.. though they look like jilebi, they are actually a savory snack sold as ‘murukulu or murukku’ in Indian grocery shops.
Gini… thanks for the suggestion. I will keep that in mind. I have to wait till Feb to submit the December photos according to the contest rules. Long wait..
Mika.. all the way to CA, oh.. I miss you having you as my neighbour/hometown blog girl. You must be busy with the moving and all. Good luck with moving!
Comment by Indira — December 6, 2005 @ 1:25 pm
hi indira,
sigh….your post just brought back memories of spending the summers with my grandmother in madurai when my cousins used to enjoy coffee with murukku and i was stuck drinking bournvita (yuck!) because we werent allowed to drink caffeine till we were 18. the murukkus were the saving grace for me!
Comment by Lulu — December 6, 2005 @ 9:05 pm
these are my favourites. if i’m not mistaken, the muruku in Malaysia has cumin in it! yours must be yummy too!
Indira says..
We also add cumin, I mentioned it in the ingredients list, check it out.:)
Comment by rokh — December 7, 2005 @ 5:10 am
May be adding some neutral edible gum may guarantee the murukus to come unbroken. Just my idea, never tried. But I will experiment and let you know.
Indira says…
Besan (gram flour) acts like a binding agent in addition to giving a mildly sweet taste. Shaping them round in hot oil, depends on one’s experience and technique more than anything, I think.
Comment by Vamsi — December 11, 2005 @ 8:39 am
Hearty congratulations for the winning photograph for DMBLGIT 2006 #1.
Indira replies,
Thank you Andrew and judges. I’m really honored!
Comment by Andrew — February 4, 2006 @ 2:47 pm
[…] […]
Pingback by Geekier Geek » Food Porn Champion - Because the others just aren’t geeky enough — blogging empire! — February 5, 2006 @ 1:30 am
Congratulations,Indira.A well deserved win!
Indira replies,
Thanks Sailaja.
Comment by Sailaja — February 6, 2006 @ 11:05 am
Congratulations Indira, they look yummy!
One question is Murukkulu different from chakkali?
Indira replies,
Thanks Veda!
The process is almost the same, so I included all different names for the title of this post.
Comment by Veda — February 6, 2006 @ 11:49 am
Oh sorry, you have named it as chakli too. Chakkali is differently shaped and white in color in TN and KN, so I asked that question.
Comment by Veda — February 6, 2006 @ 11:51 am
hi Indira.i tried ur reciepe,it was tasty,but shall we aslo add onion grinded inti fine paste?my mom used to add so.
Comment by swathi — March 21, 2006 @ 3:58 am
Murukulu (Janthikalu, Chakli)
Devo dire che lavorare alla programmazione di un buffet indiano per l’ora del t? mi sta riservando delle sorprese. Volevo trovare un’alternativa salata e saporita ai dhoklas che servir? sicuramente, che non debba essere necessariamente preparata all…
Trackback by ComidaDeMama — April 26, 2006 @ 3:23 am
LOve your site. the pics are so good, makes u want to cook the dish. thanks for all the recipes and tips.
Indira replies:
Thanks Lalitha.
Comment by lalitha — May 24, 2006 @ 9:56 pm
Very good
Comment by Anonymous — June 4, 2006 @ 11:47 am
its too good in test thanks for such a great recipe.
Comment by shruti shah — August 3, 2006 @ 1:46 am
[…] These were made using Indira’s recipe, minus the sesame seeds. They don’t call it “first try” for nothing — but finally toward the end, I got a few of the circular shapes. […]
Pingback by Murukulu/Chakli ~ First Try « Out Of The Garden — September 13, 2006 @ 11:20 pm
Hi Indira I just discovered this blog and Im thankful I did! Im eating this wonderful murukku now and its so delicious!! I made it exactly as you directed and its so yummy. 21st is Deepavali and I already started to make the bakshnam. Your mysore pak recipe also came out wonderfully. Thank you so much and please keep sharing the lovely stories and recipes…they go hand in hand and makes cooking all the more interesting for me 🙂
Comment by Divya — October 19, 2006 @ 11:53 am
Hi Indira,
Thanks for sharing the recipe. I appreciate your patience in posting the recipes with pictures and narrating every small detail of making the dish. I saw others comments about looking for a cookie press. Here’s an alternative, I used cake decorator press instead of cookie press. Cookie presses were upwards of $20 and I wasn’t sure of my expertise, so I bought a cake decorator for $10 and the murukulu came out great. I just want to add a note of caution: the potato should be cooked and mashed properly or the small pieces would obstruct the dough flowing smoothly. I pressed harder when the dough wasn’t flowing and the bottom part of my press fell into hot oil. Then I found the small potato piece stuck in the disc. Btw, that didn’t ruin the plastic press at all. Worth the money!! 🙂 I apologize for the long comment. Thanks again!
Comment by Sri — October 23, 2006 @ 3:09 pm
your receips are delicious for look and cook. The way you present is zabardast…. in one strech the apetite awakens like tiger hunting for food.
keep it up and maintain ur site aroma to spread all over the world.
Comment by LAVANYA — November 2, 2006 @ 10:32 am
I think that it is wonderful
Comment by JANEL — November 11, 2006 @ 1:23 pm
Hi Indira,
The murukus came out very good. I changed the recipe a bit. I roasted the flour together and added some aesofoetida but I had to fry them for a very long time than usual for them to be crispy. (Not sure why). I love the potato tip!
Comment by sandhya — November 20, 2006 @ 11:52 pm
Hi Indira,
the murukus came out very well. thanks for sharing the recipe. i liked the potato tip. birthday wishes for ur husband from all of us.
Comment by chaya — November 26, 2006 @ 1:09 pm
Hi Indira,
I am a regular visitor to your blog. I tried your muruku’s recipe and they came out well. As all have commented, your potato tip made a real difference.
Indira replies:
Glad to hear that. Thanks for letting me know, Hema.
Comment by Hema — January 4, 2007 @ 4:57 pm
Hello Indira, this is a wonderful recipe, for murukku. Do u know how to make gaattiya? Its a snack which u have it with jilebi. I searched all over internet and could not find anywhere.
Comment by roopa — April 4, 2007 @ 2:37 pm
Hi friend,
Ur Murukku recipe was very usefully.
I tried ,it came out nice.Thanks.
Vn u have time check out my blog
Comment by Uma — April 16, 2007 @ 3:52 pm
Hi Indira,
Iam relatively new to this website. Today i felt like making some snack. i was looking for recipe for muruku which my mom used make when we were little. i love them. u’r muruku look yummy. i will defenetely try today.
Thanks for sharing
Comment by Shri — October 11, 2007 @ 8:37 am
wow, noru ooripothundi, hatsoff to your style , and pictures are excellent, i cant resist to start making now…..keep it up. thanks for sharing
Comment by anitha — November 7, 2007 @ 4:41 pm
Hello Indira,
I happened to find this website in fluke when I was searching for something else in Google.Thank God I found your site.Its just like my mom helping me with the recipes.As I live in Cozumel,Mexico where we are the ONLY Indian family residing and you can imagine about the rest of the things.Here we don’t get anything Indian.So whatever doubt I have with my cooking I first try to refer your site.Today is Deepawali and your murukku recipe as well as the pumpkin halwa helped me a lot.I made it and for my daughter who is 11 years old ,the taste and the flavour took her back to India for a moment.Thanks a ton for starting this blog and keep continueing your work as it helps lots of us.HAPPY DIWALI TO ONE AND ALL!!
Comment by neethu — November 8, 2007 @ 4:42 pm
hi indira garu,
do we need to boil the potato and add to flour.
Comment by swapna — January 14, 2008 @ 3:37 pm
Hi! thanks for your site. I’ve put it under my favourites.
I made muruku today. Of late my muruku had become harder and harder – could chip off weak teeth! So i searched for “tips on muruku making” and came to your site. No i didn’t use your recipe. I used the prepacked muruku flour common in Malaysia BUT I UXED YOUR TIP – USE VERY HOT OIL
Thanks . My muruku is good again. Wanted to put a pic of the muruku here but i don’t know how. When i’ve the time i’ll read your other articles.
Keep up your good work.
Comment by florence — February 1, 2008 @ 12:17 am
please tell me how to prepare pesarapindi
Comment by mmm — February 26, 2009 @ 10:23 am
We have a big family gathering this Thursday. So, today I made “Murukulu”, what we call as “Karappoosa”, for munching. I followed every step of your recipe carefully and the end result is once again a big HIT! Thank you so much for the step by step instructions and good tips. You are making me a pro at pindivantalu.
BTW, I hope you received my feedback & experience about the Bobbattlu.
Hi Kamala,
Glad to read that you had good time with this recipe and that you and family had enjoyed the outcome. I also read your comment on Bobbattlu. Thanks. I greatly appreciate the feedback.
Comment by Kamala — May 17, 2009 @ 6:41 pm
Hi Indira,
I have visited your blog lots of times but never left any comment…
Well, I love your recipes. I have tried so many of them. I never cooked before marriage. Being away from home net has become my cooking teacher and your my fav teacher. What I like most about your recipes is that they are very easy to follow.
I made these murukulu a month back. All my friends liked them so much. I gave them your blog address 🙂
Now I am making them again for this long weekend.
Thanks a lot 🙂
Hi Radhika, I am glad to read that you are having success with the recipes, and thanks for the good words.
Have a wonderful and tasty karum-karum (muruku sound) filled July 4th weekend.:)
Comment by Radhika — June 29, 2009 @ 3:56 pm
hi indira
i did this murkulu
the receipe was so tasty
and it looks pretty
thanks for ur receipe
Comment by anupama — August 12, 2009 @ 12:43 pm
Hi Indira
I thought we need to add baking soda..to the dough..is it ok to use baking powder..I am about to start and I am a little confused..please advise.
Comment by priya — November 7, 2010 @ 11:00 am
Hi Indira Gaaru
I am from bangalore and i usually keep reading ur receipes
I saw the receipe of making Murukulu.It looks very nice and easy.I want to try it for the first time for my kid.
Had one question regarding the flours used.
Should the Rice flour,Gram flour,Moong flour be prepared by grinding the grains or
can i use the packed readymade flours available in the market.Please tell me process for preparing the flours.
Comment by Geetha — May 11, 2011 @ 12:50 am
hi INDIRA garu today i made murukkus they came out just perfect to my husbands taste thanks for the recipe
Comment by padmini — October 5, 2011 @ 10:49 pm