Puris ~ The Happy, Lovable Cousins of Chapatis
Made with special wheat flour called atta, rolled out to paper-thin circles and puffed to peach colored balloons, delicate and delectable puris means pure pleasure guaranteed.
I usually prepare puris at home for friends get-togethers or when I host a party, but very rarely for us. It has to be a special occasion and today is one such day for us. To celebrate, a party call was sent out by Anita of A Mad Tea Party, the fabulous food blogger from Delhi. I wanted to join. So, here I am at the party with Nandyala-style puri treats.

Whole Wheat Flour from India and Tap Water from Seattle:) ~ for Puri Dough
(Makes about 15- 18 small salad-plate sized puris)
For Puri dough:
3 cups atta (Special wheat flour from India)
1½ cups of warm water
1 teaspoon saltTo deep-fry
3 cups peanut oil
sturdy based kadai or wok
A big slotted spoon
In a bowl, combine the flour and salt. Move the flour to the sides of the bowl to make a small well in the center. Pour water into the well. Using fingers combine the ingredients, until the flour comes together to firm dough. (For puris, I make the dough very tight, so that when deep fried they won’t absorb lot of oil and look greasy. Tight dough also helps to balloon the puris.)
Gently knead the dough for a minute or two to remove the creases and until the surface is smooth. Cover the bowl with a plate and set aside for about 30 minutes. Then, follow the puri pictorial.

Roll out the Puri dough to a round coil about the width of baby’s fist.

Divide the dough to equal portions and shape each portion to a round.

Using a rolling pin, press the round to a circle of greeting card thickness

Place the kadai on stovetop. Add and heat the peanut oil to frying hot(375 F). Carefully slip the pressed puri round into hot oil. Gently push-down once with slotted spoon, and let the hot oil work its magic.

The puri comes out of the oil like a balloon. Flip and fry for few seconds

We want not red nor angry-red but peach color for Puri. Remove to a paper covered plate. Serve hot with a curry, dal or chutney.

Puris with Red and Green Capsicum Bhaji ~ for A Mad Tea Party
Hi Indira..
WOW……A pictorial treat..
I am a regular visitor and this is my first comment..
Comment by Anitha Srinivas — August 15, 2007 @ 7:11 pm
And one more thing, Not only cooking, I got interested in Photography too..
Nice work by you and Vijay..
Comment by Anitha Srinivas — August 15, 2007 @ 7:12 pm
At this moment, I have a special request..
I (or Most of them who visit Mahanandi) would definitely like to see the persons (Indira and vijay)who created and fostering their passions of food and photography.
Hope we get a chance to see you..
Comment by Anitha Srinivas — August 15, 2007 @ 7:20 pm
Now where can I get tap water from Seattle here?! 😉
Neat pictures, Indira. I love frying puris, and of course eating them too.
Comment by RP — August 15, 2007 @ 7:26 pm
How wonderful to have you at the Party, Indira. And a great tutorial you have provided – picture perfect.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 😀
Comment by Anita — August 15, 2007 @ 7:41 pm
That is a great pictorial for puri preparation. I dont usually make puris because of the amount of oil that needs to be heated up and its not worth if making only for 2 people. But I’m inspired to make some puris after seeing yours, but my husband is traveling right now, so I might have to wait till he comes back for the Puri party. 🙁
Comment by Pavani — August 15, 2007 @ 7:56 pm
I want one nowww…the image of the puffed up puris is DIVINE!
Comment by Dhana — August 15, 2007 @ 8:48 pm
You have made Puri-Bhaji proud with an excellent post and great pictures!! I am sure it tastes delicious too! Keep up the good work!!
Comment by Sudha — August 15, 2007 @ 9:31 pm
Very nice pictures…wanted to reach out and savour those poories. “Whole Wheat Flour from India and Tap Water from Seattle”… funny!
Comment by Vani — August 15, 2007 @ 10:05 pm
Great Pictures Indira….I second the request by Anitha Srinivas…..
Comment by Srivalli — August 15, 2007 @ 10:46 pm
hmmm…as usual picture perfect Indira! Happy Independence day to you adn Vijay! I would like to give a tip here. If you know it before just ignore it. If a teaspoon of sugar and rawa when added to the dough the pooris remain puffed up for a longer time. Also if we use kanji (water which we get when we boil rice) to make the dough, that keeps it puffed up for a longer time.
Comment by Nirmala — August 15, 2007 @ 11:04 pm
Yummy pooris with bhaji….. Delicious!!
Comment by Cinnamon — August 16, 2007 @ 12:33 am
That is a lovely tutorial…Anita has managed to inspire all of us to ‘do the deep fry’ – I made a batch on SUnday – Kizhangu Poori – Tamil style!
Comment by nandita — August 16, 2007 @ 2:17 am
I am always amazed by the pictures you take. So amazingly beautiful! Hope I can get half as good 🙂
Comment by Nikita — August 16, 2007 @ 4:03 am
this curry is looking good.can try it.pooris r perfect with their shape and size.
Comment by ramya — August 16, 2007 @ 7:11 am
Hi Indra
I came to know from some website , that adding a tablespoon of sugar to the flour retains the fluffiness on the puris for sometime after it is fried.
I tried and it worked…it remained for 2 hrs atleast…just want to share this with you
Comment by Sowmya — August 16, 2007 @ 7:32 am
It looks wonderful (and the step-by-step photos are very helpful)! I was planning to make some murukku this weekend, but now I am tempted to make a change to my original plans. 🙂
Comment by Victoria — August 16, 2007 @ 8:19 am
I loved your puri pictorial.
I too can make puris now (have never in my life made a puri/chapathi), I only need some Seattle tap water 😉
Comment by TBC — August 16, 2007 @ 9:00 am
Hey Indira. Hope you remember me 🙂 Its been a long time since I left a comment here. Back in India and busy settling down. Blog hopping is limited but whenever I get a chance I try to catch up with ur recipes. And just seeing this independence day special reminded me last time it was the same time I sent u my first blog event entry 🙂 I am yet to try many of ur recipes but whatever I tried, as always super hit with us 🙂
Comment by KeralaGirl — August 16, 2007 @ 9:03 am
Which atta do you buy here? Of all the attas I have tried, ‘nature’s best’ really seems to be the best quality and golden temple the worst. Any suggestions?
Comment by Hema — August 16, 2007 @ 9:29 am
Excellent pictorial. And the Pooris!
Comment by Roopa (KitchenAromas) — August 16, 2007 @ 10:59 am
Hi Indira,
As anitha srinivas said,even i would like to see wonderful couple(Indira and Vijay) who gave us interest in cooking and photos..
hope fully waiting for that day..
Comment by Anu — August 16, 2007 @ 1:30 pm
Ah! so, that’s the secret ingredient… And here I was wondering why my puris didn’t puff up…
I’ll go ahead and google to see if anybody exports Seattle tap water to Toronto. 🙂
Lovely pictures! (so the secret behind the pictures is washing your hands in Seattle tap water and wiping it clean with a Seattle tea towel?) heheeee
Comment by Kay — August 16, 2007 @ 2:02 pm
Indira, I’ve never seen a rolling pin like that… with horizontal lines. Where did you get that from?
and one more question – how do I know that the oil is hot enough? I think with practice, I can get it right.. but till then, Can I insert a candy thermometer in that hot oil? (I don’t see any other way of measuring the temp of oil, but wouldn’t that melt the candy thermometer?)
Comment by Kay — August 16, 2007 @ 2:07 pm
Anitha: I am happy for you.
At this moment:), we are still covered in flour from puri making. Boochi faces and all, I don’t want to frighten you.:)
Me too. I love puri process.
Anita: Thanks very much for hosting this lovely party and inviting us all to your webhome.
Thanks to you we had a lovely meal yesterday.:)
Pavani: I see a puri party in your future.:)
Dhana, Sudha, Vani and Sri Valli: Thanks for your lovely comments.
Nirmala: Thanks very much and hope you had a wonderful day yesterday.
I know about the ravva tip but I’ve no idea about the sugar and kanji magic. I’m going to experiment for next try. Thanks Nirmala for sharing.
Cinnamon: Thanks and it’s not fair to tempt us like that with your tri-color suji halwa. Such gorgeous, flawless creation!
Nandita: I really needed this deep-fry drip. 🙂
Kizhangu Poori, yum! My mom also prepares the potato curry like you blogged. So good with pooris.
Nikita and Ramya: Thanks.
Soumya: Nirmala also mentioned the same thing. I will definitely try. Thanks for sharing.
Victoria: Puris have a way of mesmerizing people.:) I definitely recommend a puri experience.
TBC: Never? Wow!
Seattle tap water coming your way.:)
Kerala Girl: you have made my day. 🙂
So glad to see my favorite commenter again after a long time. Hope the move to India went well and you are doing great. We really missed you! Please take care.
Hi Hema: Currently I am on Sujata brand atta. I have yet to try the Nature’s best. I agree that Golden Template is not the best quality.
Thanks Roopa.
Anu: Wonderful? are you talking about us?:)
Kay: I see an Amazon store opportunity. 🙂
Rolling pin is from Tirumala. The tribal people of the Tirumala hills make one of a kind rolling pins, it’s one of the first few things I purchased for my home after marriage. They are works of art.
About the readiness of oil, you can get metal thermometers at shops to gauge the temp. 375 figure is from electric deep-fryer, a friend of mine recently bought one and the 375 figure is from our talk.:)
Comment by Indira — August 16, 2007 @ 7:07 pm
Anitha Srinivas you are definitely correct. I am also one of those who would love to see Mr & Mrs Singari. Why don’t you publish your photographs. What a wonderful couple and wonderful recipes and wonderful pictures
Comment by Arathi — August 16, 2007 @ 8:46 pm
Very nice pictures! As always!
Comment by Kanchana — August 17, 2007 @ 8:59 am
Thanks Indira. I remember buying a few wooden spatulas from Kalahasti – they are awesome and are still in mint condition even after 3 yrs of rough use. The next time I visit Tirumala, I’ll look for kitchen stuff too after visiting the Lord.
Comment by Kay — August 17, 2007 @ 1:57 pm
Beautiful! I at least have one ingredient available now. Seattle TAP water. 🙂
Happy Partying!!
Comment by archana — August 17, 2007 @ 9:30 pm
mmm…..i envy upon you people who r having fun. happy partying. yes,i too want to meet vijay and indra, pls post u`r photographs. i am an addict of u`r web site. as usual very nice pictures. i admired the way u present indraji.
Comment by vee. — August 18, 2007 @ 12:44 am
Hello, I came across your site , and I love it. I’m from Singapore, thanks for the step-by-step-been wanting to make authentic puri. Great stuffs.
Best regards
Nora M
Comment by Nora M — August 20, 2007 @ 8:25 pm
Inidira, as we were frying our puris, I heard a voice in my head saying “red, not angry-red.”
Thank you not only for the lovely pictorial, but for being such a voice in our kitchens 🙂
Comment by neroli — August 20, 2007 @ 8:46 pm
Hi Indiraji,
I am sw engr by profession and very much interested in cooking. I used to crib that a woman can’t handle both with equal efficiency and dedication.. but after visiting your site (and of course knowing abt ur profession) I’ve started to enjoy cooking and coding equally these days.
thanks for being such an inspiration to ppl like me…
Keep continuing your good work –Lakshmi
Comment by Lakshmi — September 20, 2007 @ 11:16 pm
Indira, Everyday I am using this website to prepare food. Excellent website for who doesn’t anything about cooking.
Comment by Sunil Reddy — September 28, 2007 @ 6:18 pm
You are doing a fabulous job. I am always enthusiastic to go thru your recipes. The pictures in your blog are superb. Do u use camera or camcoder? which model?
Comment by Uma — October 10, 2007 @ 10:24 am
I find that your website is the greatest for enjoying, learning, (and salivating over) the wonderful, traditional dishes.
Thanks so much.
Comment by Trina — October 24, 2007 @ 2:02 pm
Hiii, Mouth-watering photos and u have described it in such an easy fashion too. Truly inspiring! Would love to meet u.
Comment by Janaki Vedarajan — December 25, 2007 @ 8:31 am
I wanted to know how u keep ur puris hot before u serve them to your guests. If i want to make them one hour b4 my guests arrive how do i keep them warm?
Comment by Lakshmi — July 28, 2010 @ 12:40 pm
Indira, I don’t know what motivates you to make such a beautiful and detailed post, but I am thrilled. As a displaced Tam-Bram, I absolutely loved this page and loved the fact that you have given the details that many leave out thinking that it may be obvious. Thank you for the pictorials. My American husband and 2 Indian friends are out for a 30 mile bike ride today and I am very excited to play the good Indian wife and have pooris ready to fry when they get back. I have no doubt it will come out well!
Comment by Anjana — May 8, 2011 @ 8:33 am
Indira, you are just amazing!!! after visiting your site my stomach got full and am impressed with the variety of foods and how they have been portrayed. Keep going!
Comment by Deepthi — October 8, 2011 @ 3:39 am
I made this today! I can’t believe it. I have never cooked puris that looked this pretty and tasted so good!!! Many thanks to u from me and mine for posting this recipe 🙂
Comment by tiya — November 25, 2012 @ 7:34 pm
Hi indira,
I tried a lot for the chapati roll with horizontal wedges.but I dint get any.can you please let m know if it is possible for you to get it for me.i will pay you whatever the cost maybe.
Comment by Sindhura — March 28, 2013 @ 9:53 pm
Nice tutorial.. Thanks..
P.S. Your rolled puri dough pic is looking kind of *****.. You know what I am saying..:DD
Comment by ashi — December 17, 2014 @ 7:24 pm
[…] Just today, I saw a Pictorial in Poori making on Mahanandi. Indira has explained in simple terms – How to make pooris that I don’t feel the need to explain. I have seen my people add some rava (semolina) in the poori dough, I did that too. It gives the pooris a slightly crispier texture. […]
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