
Living in Consciousness ~ Indi(r)a’s Food and Garden Weblog

Flavors of Life: Infini-tea

Flavors of Life: Infini-tea
Painting by Sree (Colored Pencils on Paper)

I actually have ALL these flavors of tea in my pantry! The lemon/mandarin flavors are quite refreshing. The berries are better drunk with ice and the choco-vanilla ones with milk. I haven’t figured out how the tropical ones go. Its ‘pretea’ complicated you know. Some (green tea) are to be ‘infused’ and mixed, others plain boiled… The other day I served hot peppermint tea to my old uncle, a connoisseur of beverages and he said “we can do without that one.” Wasn’t Tea supposed to be a refreshing beverage? Like Lipton Taaza… But I even have a ‘SLEEPYTIME’ tea! I am certain it won’t be long before we have coffee flavored tea. 🙂
By the way there is a tea parlor by the name Infinitea in Bangalore.

~ Sree

Flavors of Life: Introduction
Flavors of Life, Previously:

Banana Vendor by Sree Pumpkin Blossom by Sree Cotton Candy Painting by Sree Tirupathi Laddus by Sree

Posted by Indira©Copyrighted in Sree,Tea (Saturday March 15, 2008 at 12:51 am- permalink)
Comments (1)

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1 comment for Flavors of Life: Infini-tea »

  1. Hi sree,

    What a unique diagram. I have my tea with ginger and never tried other spices in it. I liked your banana lady diagram too…keep up the good work.

    Comment by laxmi — March 24, 2008 @ 11:32 pm

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