
Living in Consciousness ~ Indi(r)a’s Food and Garden Weblog

Guava (Jamapandu, Amrud)

Ripe guava:

Guava, Jaama Pandu, Koiya Palam, Perakka, Peyara, Amrud

It’s has been a while since we saw and had a ripe guava. 6 years to be exact. They were not in season during our trips to Nandyala. But we got lucky in Toronto, Canada. Local Indian stores were carrying this precious Indian fruit and the real miracle is at a reasonable price.

One of life lessons, I learned is, its not good for health to feel nostalgic about home foods. But this fruit with its incredible fragrance, with just right amount of ripeness brought out symptoms of nostalgia. Eyes misted, mouth watered, brain couldn’t get enough of its smell and heart wanted more… .I don’t know when I’d have a taste of guava again, but for now, I enjoyed the fruit, feeling nostalgically delirious.

Guava , Jaama Pandu, Koiya Palam, Perakka, Peyara, Amrud

This cherished fruit with unique taste and fabulous fragrance when ripe is called Jamapandu in Telugu and ‘Guava, Amrud, Koiya Palam, Perakka and Peyara’ in other Indian languages. Ripening process makes the fruit go from hard to tender and skin colour also changes, from a shade of green to a shade of yellow. We usually eat the whole fruit including the skin and the tiny seeds, when ripe. Just sprinkle some salt, to give that perfect taste of salty sweetness. Pleasant but not flashy, both in looks and taste -that’s how I describe guava.

Ripe Guava (Jama Pandu, Amrud, Peyara)

I am glad I was able to capture the image of ripe guava for my Indian kitchen series. Even though I gave up the idea of hosting ‘Indian kitchen’ here on my blog (very time consuming), instead, I created a Flickr group to share images of Indian ingredients and utensils so that food bloggers and foodies who don’t have blogs, but interested to participate, can share images. It can also used as a group pool, so that whenever we need a photo of some kitchen thing, we can link to the image in Flickr set, instead of doing google or yahoo image search. If you are interested, join the group and share your images of Indian kitchen.

Posted by Indira©Copyrighted in Indian Ingredients,Indian Kitchen (Monday January 9, 2006 at 8:55 am- permalink)
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