Four Seasons Farmers and Flea Market, Youngstown, Ohio
(About six miles from my home in Boardman)

Boxes and Crates – Out of State Produce

Unloading the Produce

Shopping, Shopping

Flower Pots For Sale

Red Radish Bunches 3 for $1.25

Limes 6 for 1 Dollar

Hot and Fresh Kettle Popcorn – For the Ride Home

Fruits and Vegetables from Farmers Market – Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Grape Tomatoes, Beans, Bell Peppers, Red Radishes, Green Onions, Corn, Baby Red Potatoes and Limes
Total Money Spent – 12 dollars

Strawberries from Local Farms
This is our local Farmers Market in images, for Farmer’s Market Parade hosted by Melissa of Cooking Diva.