Clockwise from left: Dagad Phool, Kala Elachi, Badal Phool and Naagkeshar
Spices to Prepare Goda Masala ~ for This Week’s Indian Kitchen
from Hindi/Marathi to Telugu and English:
Dagad Phool = Kallupachi (Black Stone Flower)
Kala Elachi = Nalla Elakulu (Black Cardamom)
Badal Phool = Anaspuvvu (Star Anise)
NaagaKeshar = Naaga Sagaralu
I have been wanting to ask you since a while and thankfully this post reminded me to do so.In the book COOKING WITH PEDATHA ,she has mentioned these spices for the bisibelabath powder and I was wondering where to find them.Your post has mentioned all the rare ones mentioned but just want to know there is something called MARATHI MOGGU.Is it the same as kala elaichi.Thank You.
Comment by Priti — October 8, 2007 @ 12:33 am
Thanks a lot. I understood two of the ingredients, ie 2nd and the 3rd.
But I confess I have no clue of 1st and 4th. Can we get those here in US ?
Comment by Nikki — October 8, 2007 @ 10:27 am
i lurk around here a lot (and i seem to be part of a club :-)). i hunted high and low and found a discussion on these spices at ‘another subcontinent forums’ a few days back and now tis here. marveled at the chain of coincidences and smiling. anybody from the bay area…suggestions about where i could find these spices? thank you!
thank you indira! have cooked a lot of things posted on this site. i enjoy spending time here…learning how to cook!
Comment by pratibha — October 8, 2007 @ 11:02 am
Marathi Moggu can be roughly imagined as two fat cloves stuck at their head. There can be slight variations, with one side being more wrinkled than the other. So far I haven’t seen these spices at any of the US stores. they are available only in India. Moggu means ‘bud’ in kannada. So, imagine two dark brown buds joined at their heads.
Comment by Mekhala — October 8, 2007 @ 1:34 pm
Maretti moggu is dried capers. Usually capers are pickled without the stem but maretti moggu is dried with its stem.
We cant get it here in Oz. I have my supply from India. I was stopped and questioned at customs about it, they went to great lengths to establish what its botanical name was; but came up with nothing finally let me through with it.
So I was curious to find its botanical name Maretti moggu = CAPPARI SPINOSA or CAPERS.
Comment by freshma — October 8, 2007 @ 3:49 pm
The fifth ingredient is whole cloves. They are most commonly found ground or in powder form and sold in the spice section of a grocer or supermarket. Whole cloves can also be found in stores selling bulk spices and grains. They may also be found in gourmet and other specialty food stores.
You may have to spend a lot of effort finding the whole cloves, but once they are found you will have your available source. It really is worth the effort.
Comment by Nora — October 8, 2007 @ 4:55 pm
EDIT to my previous comment:
I am referring to stores or supermarkets in the US.
We also used these for pickling, and would use the entire clove in the brine.
I use both now, the whole cloves and fresh grinding them when I need powder.
Comment by Nora — October 8, 2007 @ 5:03 pm
Priti: Marathi muggu is another different spice and looks like two cloves joined together like Mekhala mentioned. I have few at my kitchen and will publish the post next weekend. Thanks.
Nikki and Pratibha: May be in mail-order online shops? Mine are from India, a friend mailed these spices.
Freshma: I wish I knew little bit more about these spices. They are old-world style spices, very rarely used and there is not that much information out there.
Nora: By fifth ingredient, you mean NaagaKeshar, no they are not cloves. They look like cloves but NaagaKeshar is entirely a different spice. I will publish a picture of them together side by side next weekend.
Comment by Indira — October 8, 2007 @ 9:27 pm
After seeing the photo of cloves, naaga keshar and marathi moggu posted on Oct. 14, I came back to this post to find my error. I also immediately opened my jar of whole cloves, inhaled the sweet spicy fragrance, popped one into my mouth and examined them more closely. The cloves have a bud that obviously protrudes and sits on the calyx. Although I have not seen or used naaga keshar, its top is clearly different. Thank you for the correction.
Comment by Nora — October 14, 2007 @ 6:25 pm
I have just returned from a holiday in Goa and experienced the best tasting curry I have ever had in a restaurant in our hotel. Its was called Chicken Chettnadu and I persuaded the chef to give me the recipe which includes Kalapasi ( Dagad Phool ) and Marathi Moggu. I can’t find a hint of these ingredients in London and I’m itching to try this recipe out so any links to anywhere I can order some would be very welcome !
Comment by Lester — October 21, 2007 @ 12:12 pm
[…] **NOTE: I don’t have all the ingredients to prepare an authentic goda masala, but I did find something close in the store: Badshah brand Rajwadi Garam Masala (oddly, stone flower is not listed as an ingredient on the website, but it is on my package). This is the closest thing to the real deal I have found yet. […]
Pingback by Canary Beans with Brinjal and Goda Masala ~ Full Moon Rising « Out Of The Garden — January 21, 2008 @ 10:21 pm
BINGO – A friend of mine managed to get me a big bag of Kalpassi ( Dagad Phool ) from a place in Wembley London – looks like its imported because the label is in english
Comment by Lester — April 22, 2008 @ 9:54 am
Hi ,
Where can I buy “dagad phool” in USA.
Is there any retailr who sells it on line?
Please provide the other names of dagad phool.
Padmaja Davuluri
Comment by Padmaja — July 21, 2010 @ 8:12 pm
Dagad Phool is also known as “Chabili” in some regions of India.
It is avaialble in ‘Bhavani Cash and Carry’ stores in US.
it is a chain store.
Comment by Padmaja — August 5, 2010 @ 3:02 pm
Do you sell dagad phool? If yes, I would like to place an order for one pound. Please email ma the price and shipping info.
Comment by D.B.Chawan — December 26, 2010 @ 5:49 pm
You can buy DagadPhool in any Indian Grocery store. It is sold as DagadPhool – no one bothers to translate it into any other language. Also Nagkeshar is available in all Indian grocery stores as Nagkeshar. When buying either of these spices just make sure you are getting a package with whole spices, not the bottom of the barrel!
Comment by Swati — May 30, 2012 @ 11:50 am
Could someone please identify the lichen this indian chef uses in this youtube video? I want to make this masala, but i don’t know what to ask for when i go to my indian grocery store. It’s not Dagad Phool. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Comment by Argo — April 21, 2013 @ 3:04 am
Hi, I am an indian male – truly an endangered species in a cooking forum. ;-D) LOL I live in Cleveland, Ohio and am tuly interested in exotic indian cooking.
I came across this Dagad ka phool or Patthar ka phool in a VahReVah video and wanted to get it right away ! ;->) It is a lichen, ( meaning a fungus in a symbiotic relationship with an algae or a cyanobacteria …. Wiki) and it grows on bark and rocks. It is definitely edible ( I am still alive …. ) and this particular genus is called PARMOTREMA PERLATUM, or Black Stone flower / Kalpasi (Tamil) / Kallu Pacchi (Telugu) / Baad poovu / Ratthi puvalu / Kallu Houvu ( Kannada).
It is an absolutely critical ingredient in Chettinad cooking ( mostly nonveg – ) and the Maharsahtrian – Goda / Godu masala. It has no smell or taste, by itself but when fried in oil with strong spices like cinnamon, cloves or cardamom – it imparts an exotic earthy taste. A small amount, about Qtr teaspoon is generally enough. Because of the way it is harvested – from stones in flowing water, and barks of trees etc. it may have some bark or fine stones attached to it – exmine it carefully before using ….
It is readily available in SOUTH INDIAN grocery stores – Telugu, Kerala, Tamilian etc. Northe Indian grocery stores do not carry it – and are not familiar with the name. Its about 5 USD for 50 grams – which will last you 5 years …..
Hope this helps.
Comment by Gary Kulkarni — March 3, 2015 @ 12:10 pm