
Living in Consciousness ~ Indi(r)a’s Food and Garden Weblog

Flavors of Life ~ Banana Vendor

Banana Vendor by Sree of Sree's Canvas
Flavors of Life ~ Banana Vendor
Painting by Sree (Colored Pencils on Paper)

Many like her were selling bananas in front of the Virupaksha Temple at Hampi. The fruits were not offerings to God, but to the large number of cows in front of the temple! I don’t know whether you would agree; to me the banana is the most humble of all fruits. It’s available through the year and affordable to all. The banana selflessly offers itself to mankind. We eat both raw and ripe fruit, the stem of the plant and the banana flower. We use the banana leaves for religious offerings and cooking. I recently read somewhere that the nutrients lie in the ripe skin of the fruit. Any takers?:)

by – Sree

(Flavors of Life by Sree: Introduction)

Posted by Indira©Copyrighted in Arati Kaaya (Plantain),Bananas,Sree (Saturday January 19, 2008 at 12:26 am- permalink)
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The New Home of Mahanandi:

Flavors of Life by Sree

It’s always more fun when food is shared with family and friends. As much as I like to live in my own world at Mahanandi, I feel happy when friends drop by to share their goodies. Today is one such day and the friend is talented artist Sree. Sree is from Kerala, now lives in Bangalore and writes at “Sree’s Canvas“. Sree is an excellent painter and I especially love the way she uses colors to bring life into a subject. She will be starting a new series of sketches called “Flavors of Life” at Mahanandi from today, and the series will be on Saturday’s fortnightly.

Here is more about “Flavors of Life” by Sree:

I enjoy food! I love cooking, shopping for ingredients, researching recipes or simply strolling through a vegetable market as much as I love drawing and painting. I hope through “flavors of life” to publish sketches, paintings and doodles of things that add to the joy of life, which to me is synonymous with the pleasure of good food.

A little about myself, I draw for myself, topics that touch me. I don’t dare call myself an artist (that’s an honor bestowed upon those great souls who carved out our ancient temples and monuments with every ounce of their sweat and blood. In comparison I’m just a lazy doodler humbled by all that I see around me). I work mostly with graphite, colored pencils and oils, sometimes ink and watercolor as well. I hope to stick around in this virtual culinary world for a while.:)


Posted by Indira©Copyrighted in Sree (Saturday January 19, 2008 at 12:06 am- permalink)
Comments (3)

The New Home of Mahanandi: