Embroidery and Cross Stitch:
Few days ago, Shammi of Food in the Main has posted her completed piece of embroidery design. I felt happy to see her beautiful piece and I thought it would be wonderful to share some of my finished works.

The pieces in the first photo are my first finished projects that I had done here in the US. Includes two small size needlework flower pieces, and one big embroidery flower bouquet piece. The photo below shows the embroidery design in close up.

The above cross-stitch work is really my all time favorite design. It is called Peacock Tapestry and designed by talented Teresa Wentzler. Some of her elaborate cross-stitch designs are work of art and she pays incredible amount of attention to details and colors as you can see. I have worked for about 4 months, non-stop on this piece. To this day, I still think all that effort was worth my time.
My goodness Indira you are so talented. the needlework, your photography and your cooking. I have been wanting to try some of your recipes but never seem to get into Pittsburgh to buy any of the Indian ingredients.
Comment by Marie — June 17, 2006 @ 7:59 pm
How beautiful!! I am speechless!
I admire your talents.
Is cross-stitching a difficult thing, or anyone can do it? 🙂
Comment by RP — June 17, 2006 @ 8:10 pm
You are too kind.
If you try the recipes, let me know how you like them. Thanks Marie.
. 🙂
No, not at all. But cross-stitch demands super focus, strong back and good eye sight.:)
Comment by Indira — June 17, 2006 @ 9:12 pm
Beauiful Indira! craft was something I was always bad at..patience and dogged attention to detail are not very natural personality trais to me:)Its quite stunning really!
I was wondering- if you have ever considered doing Sri Chakra designs in cross stich? I think they would be very good if done with proper rigour..see this Sri Yantra mandala by the artist Pieter Weltevrede
Indira replies:
You liked it, thanks Janani.
Sanatan Society is a treasure chest. I have already bookmarked that site for reference.
Sri Chakra designs are beautiful, can easily be transferred to cross stitch or embroidery. But Chakras are powerful things, I am afraid to touch them.
I have been planning to do a cross stitch of Ravi Verma’s Saraswathi painting. I am attracted to the colors, depth and mellow features of Saraswathi and peacocok. I’ve transferred the painting to cross stitch pattern, still have to purchase the suitable floss colors etc. That one would take atleast 6 months minimum.:)
Comment by Janani — June 17, 2006 @ 9:56 pm
Wow, i am truly impressed !!! Is the embroidery piece by hand or machine? That peacock tapestry looks like a high count Aida, god i can never go on counting that much. Amazing !!!!
Indira replies:
By hand, Archana. Thanks.
It’s Zweigart 25-count Evenweave. I know, my eye sight improved somuch while stitching that piece. 🙂
Comment by Archana — June 17, 2006 @ 10:59 pm
Beautiful embroidery, I can knit and crochet but not too good with needlework.Love the peacock.
Indira replies:
Thanks Lalitha.
I don’t know how to knit and crochet and I have always wanted to learn. Some day.:)
Comment by lalitha — June 18, 2006 @ 12:33 am
So how do you say I serve them,you say ? With rice or with chapathi? 🙂 🙂
I have run out of adjectives for you! So my only comments would be Whoa! whee.. etc from today.
Indira replies:
tsk… tsk…They are just garnish, LG. 🙂
Let’s make a deal. No more flattering adjectives from now on please. Whoa and whee are just fine, what do you say? 🙂
Comment by L.G — June 18, 2006 @ 1:13 am
Hi ,
Excellent and really hard work. How much time did it take to learn this embroidery, Indira.
Indira replies:
Vineela, they are real easy, only thing is they are little bit time consuming.
I started doing embroidery right away, it’s really an easy thing to do.
Comment by vineela krishna — June 18, 2006 @ 1:27 am
Amazing! I love the peacock one…I’m a knitter, and I have done a little cross-stich. Nothing far so impressive though – wow!
Indira replies:
I am also interested in knitting, but no idea how to start. I tried web sites and books but haven’t been able to follow the directions, I need a real life teacher.:)
Thanks Diane.
Comment by Diane — June 18, 2006 @ 2:42 am
I had read your comment in Shammis blog and I had hoped you will share your art works with all of us and here you are,Wow Indira it is so nice to see this part of your personality!I am sure you are busy all day finding things to keep you occupied be it cooking cleaning blogging or stitching! And one more thing Indira, I miss my Kittaya!
Indira replies:
When I saw Shammi’s piece, I felt really happy to see a fellow food blogger with the same interests as mine. Thought to share few of my pieces here on my blog. I am glad you liked them Sumitha.
These are mainly to keep the brain busy.:)
aah… Kittaya fan, next week, I promise.:)
Comment by Sumitha — June 18, 2006 @ 3:35 am
Beautiful tapestry, Indira. You are indeed talented. And hey, thanks for the link. I, too, do cross-stitch. (I am nowhere close to you, though!) If at all I get better in the future, I could try doing Teresa Wentzler’s designs. (High hopes!)
Indira replies:
I am glad you liked it Vaishali.
Thanks to Shammi, all closet cross-stitchers are coming out now. 🙂 I would love to see your pieces and please do share with us.
Comment by Vaishali — June 18, 2006 @ 4:53 am
Hi Indira
I have been following your blog for quite a few days now and really enjoy it. Your cross stitch pieces are absolutely gorgeous. How did you get the thread colors for the peacock tapestry?
Keep up the good work ! Priya
Indira replies:
Thanks Priya.
I used Anchor brand floss colors for the Peacock piece, Priya. They are avialble in hobby shops like Hobby Lobby or Micheal’s. here in US.
Comment by Priya — June 18, 2006 @ 8:45 am
Wow, I’m doubly impressed, Indira… that peacock one is well deserving of being your favourite – and everybody else’s as well! I’m not patient enough for cross-stitch – too much counting involved and too structured for me. But I sure admire people who do it. Beautiful, beautiful!
Indira replies:
I would have never shared these, if not for you, Shammi. Your gorgeous piece, the happy feeling I felt when I saw it on your blog was the reason to share mine. I thought people are not that interested in these type of things, anymore.:)
I agree, cross-stitch is not for everybody. They are too time-consuming. But I enjoy doing both emboridery and cross-stitch. I think they both have their own charms.
Comment by shammi — June 18, 2006 @ 9:27 am
They are truly outstanding. Excellent.
Indira replies:
Thanks Srivani.
Comment by srivani — June 18, 2006 @ 10:16 am
Is there anything that you are not good at??
Its fantastic..
Indira replies:
Lot of things, really.:)
Thanks Rashmi.
Comment by Anonymous — June 18, 2006 @ 11:58 am
Wow! Great work! The peacock is classic. Hatsoff to your patience!
Maybe you can have it as your logo.
Sri Valli
Indira replies:
I know, it would make a beautiful logo. Thanks Srivalli.
Comment by Sri Valli — June 18, 2006 @ 12:03 pm
Wowwwwww just great. You are really talented. I knew you had lot of patience seeing many of your recipes making ingredients from scratch. The peacock has proved that beyond doubt. 4 months on a single piece of work….great…:-)
Indira replies:
That’s too much, Kerala Girl. I will close down the comments if I hear one more flattering word from you. 🙂 Please no more praise.
Peacocok piece is a big one. Because of my addictive personality, I finished it off it in 4 months, otherwise the minimum time for it is atleast 6 months to a year.:)
Comment by Kerala girl — June 18, 2006 @ 12:53 pm
Wow Indira! that peacock tapestry was my all time favorite you know.After seeing those beautiful stiches all the time at your house,i got inspired alot and i even bought some for myself to start embroiding. I’ve started but not yet finished them. wonder when that is going to happen. By the way, your article about “amma”, it touched my heart(i can guarantee everyone’s too).Can’t even express my feelings.Thankyou so much for bringing back my childhood memories again.Infact i kinda felt like i’m living that sweet life again for a few minutes.Thanks once again.
Indira replies:
I know how busy you are, Bhargavi. My kudos to you for even paying attention to this type of things. Also I am sure Srujan is going to write a beautiful poem or essay praising you one of these days, for all the selfless work you are doing for them. You are a true mother and your children are real lucky ones.:)
Comment by bharghavi — June 18, 2006 @ 1:31 pm
Oh, the embroidery is lovely, Indira.
I used to do counted cross stitch and needlepoint years ago, but haven’t done it recently. I am currently taking crochet back up, and am trying to learn knitting. I think I need a real live teacher for that, too. Crochet is very easy to learn, though.
The other craft I am working on is patchwork quilting. I stopped working on it a couple of years ago after I miscarried, because I had been working on a baby quilt, and it just made me too sad to keep doing it. But, I am taking it back up now, and when I have some finished pieces, I will post them on T&S for everyone to see.
I’ve always dabbled in arts and crafts–sculpture and acrylic fine art paintings have been the most successful for me, but I have always had a fascination for fibre arts, too. I think it is because I like the colors and textures of fabric, yarn and thread so much.
Keep up the great work–I love the peacock–the colors are fantastic, and your patience is admirable. The colors remind me of the batik tapestry of Krishna we have up in our bedroom, actually….
Indira replies:
You must share your pieces with us, Barbara. I would love to see the cross stitch and needle point pieces. I want to see what kind of pieces you’d put your energy on.
I have no clue about crochet and knitting. But I am very interested to learn those too.
Like you, I am also interested in all things craft and for me, they happen in phases. Right now, food blogging. 2 years ago, I was completely focussed on needle work and embroidery with the same intensity. and I do burn out fast.
Look forward to see your baby blanket piece and also Batik tapestry of Krishna, Barbara.
Comment by Barbara — June 18, 2006 @ 3:16 pm
Your peacock tapestry is excellent ! Someday I will resume this passion of mine. My twins wont let me do this and because of this even my sewing machine is gathering dust. Yes Indira you feel happy when fellow bloggers share same interests as yours.
Indira replies:
Thanks Krithika.
Twin boys, wow, congrats! You must be busy full time.
Did you hear about new food blogging event? Weekend baby blogging, where food bloggers would post photos of their children.
Comment by krithika — June 18, 2006 @ 4:12 pm
Hi Indira,
Your artworks look amazing. Where do you usually buy the patterns? I looked in Michaels and AC Moore for cross stitch designs and very small designs were itself very expensive. Your patterns and colors are fabulous.
Also where do you get them framed? I have a few that I have completed, but did not know where to get them frames.
Thanks for sharing your master pieces.
Indira replies:
Thanks. I bought these from Hobby Lobby. They reduce prices upto 80% on clearance items. I usually wait for the sale and pick pieces only I am absolutely interested in. I don’t like to spend lot of money on these things.
We frame them ourselves. We usually buy matching photo frames, remove the insides and add our pieces. It’s cost less in this way.
Comment by Pavani — June 18, 2006 @ 4:48 pm
Very lovely indeed, Indira… I love to cross-stitch too but you’re right, you need good eyesight. Thanks for showing these beautiful pieces 🙂
Comment by Linda — June 18, 2006 @ 7:47 pm
Beautiful tapestry Indira. You did a great job at cross stitching.
Comment by Arjuna — June 18, 2006 @ 8:20 pm
beautiful emboirdery, the peacock one is terrific!
Comment by flygirl — June 18, 2006 @ 9:57 pm
Superb!! Another inspiration from Mahanandi, to keep my brooding mind occupied..
Indira, a true mentor!
Comment by Aparna — June 19, 2006 @ 2:36 am
Brilliant! Absobloominlutely brilliant!
Comment by Faffer — June 19, 2006 @ 9:13 am
hai indira..
i have been a silent viewer of this site of the past 2 months….i luv the way u present ur recipes….i tried a few of ur reciepes and they turned out really well…..and this art piece of yours….it is fantastic….the peacock is really very beautiful……your art piece has inspired me to start my knitting again…hey indira…i am new to country…i dont know much here…can u please tell me how i can get these designs along with the threads to stich….by the way i stay in New jersey….
Indira replies:
Hi Preethi, thanks.
You can get the designs, cloth and thread at craft stores, like Micheals or Hobby Lobby and also at Walmart. Hope this helps.
Comment by preethi — June 19, 2006 @ 9:14 am
25 Count !!!! I salute you Indira!!!!
Comment by Archana — June 19, 2006 @ 10:43 am
Hi Indira,
Ur tapestry is good. Even I used to do such cross stitch patterns. Can you tell me where to get such patterns, so that I can make one for myself tooo. Thanks a bunch
Comment by siree — June 19, 2006 @ 12:05 pm
These are so beautiful Indira. Tried my hand a cross stich eons ago and barely managed to finish a flower. So I can truly appreciate the effort you put in these tapestries.
Comment by Anu — June 21, 2006 @ 11:28 am
Truly beautiful intricate work, Indira.
I have done quite a few pieces over the years since college and passed them on as gifts to friends.
Indira replies:
Thanks Sailaja.
You have a generous heart and your friends are lucky ones to receive such wonderful gifts from you.
Comment by sailaja — June 25, 2006 @ 4:30 am
Hi Indira,
The peacock is awesome
I used to love doing needlework when I was in the US, now I dont have the time! I used to work full time and find time for all this, now my year old is my energy blackhole. I dont work and I o nly have time to read and cook. I am too impatient for crosstitch, but I love other forms, especially hardanger.
Please checkout http://www.caron-net.com/ website. The have some of the most beautiful threads in the world and lots of inspiring free patterns and designer spotlight. And yes, when you can do try to support the small needlework shops in your town.
Indira replies:
Thanks KPKS.
I totally understand. These type of things really suck time. I took up this hobby mainly to spend time during the cold winter, here. You might already know how gloomy weather is here during winter times.
Thanks for the website link. I liked my visit to that site and book marked it for future visits. I also downloaded some free patterns.
Best wishes – Indira
Comment by kpks — June 26, 2006 @ 12:09 am
[…] Kajal – Henna Pooja (Creative Pooja) – Mehendi Indira (Mahanandi) – Hand Embroidery Shammi (Food, in the Main) – Hand Embroidery Kajal – Embroidery Latha’s (Masala Magic) mother, Indira garu – Kasuti Embroidery Manisha (Indian Food Rocks) – Knitting & Crochet Shilpa (Aayis Recipes) – Oil Painting, Metal Embossing, Crochet Shn (Kitchenmishmash)- Glass Painting Lakshmiammal – Tanjore and Glass Painting Nupur’s (One Hot Stove) family – Hand crafted gifts Sree (Sree’s Canvas) – Colored Pencil Sketching Jacob (The Painted Chef) – Sketching Annita (My Treasure, My Pleasure) – Dry Flower Arrangement Easy Crafts […]
Pingback by Karigari - Vibrant Expressions » Suvastra — January 28, 2008 @ 7:21 pm
I am an ardent needle point worker, I loved your peacock work. If you still have the chart can you please mail it to me?
Comment by Zerin — February 26, 2008 @ 2:31 am
Hi Indira,
U r patience is really appreciated…wonderful artwork and and wonderful pics…I wanted to know if you bought all the material from India, or did you get it here in US…please do reply…
Comment by prasanna — September 16, 2008 @ 4:58 pm
Wow Indira, I have been visiting your blog from past few years, but never seen this side of yours! Words can not describe its beauty. I checked Teresa Wentzler’s site but this is in her discontinued list. Is there a way that you can share this chart with me.
Comment by Lakshmi — April 21, 2009 @ 4:07 pm
Wow Indira, I have been visiting your blog from past few years, but never seen this side of yours! Words can not describe its beauty. I checked Teresa Wentzler’s site but this is in her discontinued list. Is there a way that you can share this chart with me.
Comment by Lakshmi — April 21, 2009 @ 4:07 pm
Hi Indira,
Today is the first time i visited your blog. The PEOCOCK TAPESTRY is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great work! It is definitely worth the effort.
I am yet to see the recipes of yours. Just thought of writing this before exploring your site further more.. 🙂
Comment by Preethy — May 7, 2010 @ 5:08 pm
I got to know about this blog very recently. The peacock is stitched too good.
Do you still have the design?
If you do not mind, can you send the design to me.
Comment by Sakuntala — May 24, 2010 @ 4:59 am
Is there a way that you can share this chart with me.
Comment by cross stitch — March 12, 2011 @ 4:14 am
Hi Indira,
I visited your blog for the first time today.
I really really liked your work.And i don’t have words to describe the magnificence of your peacock tapestry.its BEAUTIFUL!!!! my mom was into a lot of cross-stitching,sewing n embroidery earlier.i’m going to show her all your work n i think she’l really like it!!!
Comment by Deepshikha — March 19, 2011 @ 5:53 am
You may not believe this, but some very generous lady just gave me this very beautiful crossed stitched peacock. It is the same as the one in your picture. I have done many cross stitch patterns, but never using such tiny stitches. She knew that I raise peafowl, and I am sure she also knew that I would treasure her work. I still can’t believe she would part with such a beautiful piece.
Comment by Diann Tuthill — June 7, 2013 @ 7:17 pm
Hello Indira garu,
I am amazed with your work. I tried a lot and got the peacock design.
Can please you guide me on the needles I need to use? As I am in US now, it will be easy for me to buy and them now. Please help me on this.
Thank you.
Comment by Sakuntala — January 2, 2015 @ 9:03 pm