I am sure, like me, many of you enjoy participating in food blogging events and even thought of hosting. But rotating foodblog events are very few. Actually they are only two, the popular IMBB and SHF. I wanted to host one of those events, but it seems they are booked all through this year and next year also.
This new event – “Jihvā for Ingredients (JFI)” is for me, as well as for you food bloggers who wanted to host an event once in a while. Just like IMBB and SHF, it is a rotating event, that means instead of only one host all the time, different food blogger would host the event every month. I think this type of rotating events are more interesting to participate, the hosts not only bring their own personality to it, it is also a chance for us to visit and find new blogs and bloggers. More importantly JFI is not about the themes, it is about celebrating the natural ingredients, that we use for everyday cooking – one at a time.
What is Jihvā ?
Jihvā the Sanskrit word means taste, desire and deep longing. This powerful word also represents tongue and taste buds.
What is Jihvā for Ingredients?
I believe for Jihvā to happen, it’s all in the ingredients and how they are cooked. Jihvā for Ingredients (JFI) is online monthly food event, celebrating the Ingredients and what they can do for our Jihvā.
When, what and how?
The entries have to be posted on first day of every month. The host chooses food ingredient. To participate, cook a recipe with that ingredient and post it on your blog on the first of the month. Send these entries to the host, she/he will do the roundup and showcase all your entries within a week of receiving.
What are the guidelines to host?
1. Feature any natural ingredient and there are many.
2. I’d greatly appreciate if you could pick an ingredient related to India or Indian cuisine. (Which style of cuisine that ingredient prepared is, ofcourse it’s upto the participants).
3. Announce the event on your blog by 3rd of previous month. This will give plenty of time for the participants to shop, prepare, write and post their entry.
What is the JFI for May?

For May – it’s “Jihva for Mangoes” – ripe and unripe.
1. Prepare a recipe featuring mangoes (ripe or green unripe).
2. Post the recipe on your blog on May 1st.
3. Send me via email – the link to your post and a photo of the entry in 75×75pixel size.
4. Please include the title of post and your blog name.
5. I’ll post an entry along with you on May 1st and also will do the roundup of all the entries that I received by that week’s end.
6. Nostalgic tales, paintings, and drawings, anything related to mangoes is welcome from interested general (non-food) bloggers.
Interested to host this event?
To host this event, send me an email or write a comment. Reserved on first come first basis. I will update the list below as soon as someone interested in that month.
May 1st Mahanandi:Mangoes JFI:Mango Recap |
September 1st Vineela’s Cuisine:Milk JFI:Milk Recap |
January 1st Food for Thought:Coconut JFI:Coconut Recap |
June 1st Baking Fairy:Strawberries JFI:Strawberries Recap |
October 1st Cooking Medley:Ghee JFI:Ghee Recap |
February 1st WTRT Jim?:Ginger JFI:Ginger Recap |
July 1st Sailu’s Food:Dals(Lentils) JFI:Dal Recap |
Vee:Special Edition JFI:Diwali Treats |
March 1st Happy Burp:Potato JFI:Potato Recap |
August 1st Me&My Kitchen:Flour JFI:Flours Recap |
December 1st Better Tomorrow:Jaggery JFI:Jaggery Recap |
April 1st My Work Shop:Tomatoes JFI:Tomatoes Recap |
My Email: mailmahanandi@gmail.com