We had a perfect, mild, early spring like weather this weekend. A trip to the flea/farmers market, a bag full of baby red potatoes and lazy afternoon spending at home called for this mouth watering evening snack.
Baby red potatoes are clean and fresh, so after a light dip in the water and a pat on the back with a towel, they are sliced into four and tossed with olive oil, salt and red chilli flakes. And they are ready for the oven.
Now the magic cooking part – Spread them on a baking sheet and first bake them in the oven at 350 F for about ten minutes. Bring out the sheet and turn the potatoes to other side one by one. Change the oven setting to broil and roast the potatoes again in the oven ten more minutes or until gold colored.
Nothing gets the Pavlovian response going like the smell and sight of these crisp on the outside, fluffy on the inside oven-roasted potatoes. Great snack!
Seriously; what is it about potatoes, warm and crisp, that makes lift so good?!
Comment by Stephanie — June 20, 2005 @ 11:21 am
Yummy yum indeed!
Comment by Shyam (aka Shammi) — June 20, 2005 @ 11:37 am
They are good, particularly these small red potatoes, they are made for oven roasting. As you can imagine, it didn’t take long for us to finish them off.
Comment by Indira — June 20, 2005 @ 2:13 pm
they look so good!
We had something quite similar last night 🙂
Comment by clare eats — June 20, 2005 @ 10:27 pm
If you put cut potatoes in hot water and cover for 20 mts. Dry completly and in a bowl , add 1/2 tsp. of garam masala, salt to taste, 1/2 cup of oil and mix with hands. Spread it on a baking dish . Bake in a pre-heated oven for 30 mts. great dish with NAn. Enjoy.
Comment by Jyothi Mcminn — September 10, 2006 @ 3:37 pm